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Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Ballets Jazz Montréal is thrilled to announce a new workshop and pilot project called BJM_360.

BJM_360 is a program designed for 15-20-year-old dancers that addresses not only the artistic components necessary in comprehensive training but also the ancillary skills needed to maintain balance and have a career. It aims to give young dancers the necessary tools to sharpen their self-awareness, build healthy self-esteem, create balance in their lives, and grow into their individuality. Dancers are beautiful creatures. Supple yet strong, focused yet curious, driven yet open. When pushed to the extreme or when working without the proper support or guidance, however, the instrument gets out of tune and even breaks down.

To reach their potential and develop healthy habits, all dancers need a safe and positive environment where mistakes are seen as stepping stones, a solid foundation with a well-rounded knowledge about their body-mind-spirit instrument, and to create ties with mentors who guide them. We at Ballets Jazz Montreal feel a strong desire to give access to that space and knowledge as well as integrate complementary practices into our daily habits and artistic activities. We also value open dialogue, conversation, and curiosity.

And this is what BJM_360 is about: sharing all of this with young dancers who aspire to become professionals.

Here are some key dates and details about the program. WHEN: August15-17, 2023

WHERE: Montréal, Québec, Canada Full details will be given upon registration.

COST: $175.00

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Sunday, June 4, 2022, at 8:00 PM

Thank you for your interest. We hope to see many of you apply!

Top Photo by Sasha Onyshchenko

Lower Photos by Renato Mangolin

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